
Chiropractic Coverage with Government Insurance

The U.S. government offers three different insurance programs that are available to certain populations. Medicare is available to people over age 65, as well as some younger people with certain disabilities. Medicaid covers people with limited income or resources. Tricare covers military personnel and their families. Most traditional medical treatments and services are covered by […]

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How Allergy Shots Work

Allergy Shots Allergies can bring forth excessive discomfort and affects up to 10 percent of the U.S. population. During bouts of allergic symptoms, you may find yourself unable to work or having to keep your child home from school while they recover. Medications are available, but may not be ideal for allergies that last for

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How Does a Mental Illness Affect Visitation Rights?

When it comes time for a judge to determine custody and visitation rights, the child’s (or children’s) well-being takes priority. The court will always choose in favor of the child’s physical, mental, behavioral, and emotional well-being, and custody and visitation will be granted accordingly. The determining factors of visitation rights are often based on the

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Aromatherapy has roots in ancient medical systems, but it wasn’t named “aromatherapy” until the 1900s. When you inhale or rub essential oils into your skin, the chemicals components from the herbs get absorbed and eventually reach your pain response system. Exposing a specific scent to this network can alter your perception of pain. Are you

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