Naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medical treatment based around a natural approach to relieving symptoms, alleviating disease, and optimizing the overall well being of a person. 

This area of medicine is complex and encourages the patient’s body to heal itself, rather than depending on outside sources, such as medication. Treatments are recommended based upon an evaluation by a naturopathic doctor. Usually, several hours will be spent with the patient before any treatment begins. 

The Six Principles of Naturopathic Medicine

A good naturopathic doctor will likely follow the six principles of naturopathic medicine. These are based upon scientific medicine, research, language, and observation. These principles are what largely makes this treatment method different from others. 

Principal One: Do No Harm

A naturopathic doctor should seek to treat a patient through the most non-invasive, safest method possible. 

Principal Two: Turn to Nature

These medical professionals tend to believe that the body can heal itself. Sometimes the assistance of nature, through herbs, roots, minerals, mushrooms, and other substances may be utilized. 

Principal Three: Identify and Treat the Core Cause

It is thought that the symptoms of a disease or medical condition is the physical side of a root cause. It is the goal of a naturopathic doctor to uncover this cause and eliminate it; thereby, promoting true healing. 

Principal Four: Support and Teach the Patient

Part of this natural treatment includes supporting and teaching the patient on how to improve their health and wellbeing. A naturopathic doctor might even encourage a patient to take responsibility for all parts of their wellbeing: physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual, while also understanding the value of their professional relationship. 

Principal Five: Treat the Whole Person: Body and Mind

It is believed that the body is one. Any medical ailment, and it’s symptoms, is not separate from the body. A naturopathic doctor doesn’t only treat the condition; rather, they seek to treat the whole person. Typically this begins with an assessment and review of the patient’s medical history, lifestyle, eating habits, exercise habits, and genetics, as well as, any relevant emotional, social, or physical circumstances. 

Principal Six: Prevent Illnesses from Occurring

The final goal will be to prevent any further medical conditions from occuring while enabling the patient to maintain optimal health. 

To reach these principals, a naturopathic doctor may incorporate the following into their practice. 

  • Nutritional recommendations
  • Botanical medicine
  • Naturopathic obstetrics
  • Homeopathic medicine
  • Physical medicine
  • Psychological medicine
  • Eastern medicine
  • + More

Are You Searching for Answers for a Medical Condition You Cannot Seem to Get Rid Of? Do You Wish to Improve Your Physical, Mental, and Emotional Self? 

If so, a naturopathic doctor from [clinic] may be able to help you find a balance between these vital elements. For an initial consultation with a certified naturopathic doctor for functional medicine, please call a clinic today. They will be happy to schedule an appointment with you at your earliest convenience. We do ask that you save between 2 and 3 hours of time in your day for this consultation so as to ensure you get a comprehensive assessment.