Men who start to notice that certain areas of their scalp are thinning or balding, may feel struck by a pang of insecurity. Upon the first signs of hair loss, men may not know what could have caused this to happen or what they can do to prevent it from worsening further. A condition called male pattern baldness contributes to a large percentage of men’s baldness in today’s society. However, there are ways that men can take care of themselves to held minimize the severity of their hair loss.
Here we have answered some of the most prevalently asked questions men have about male pattern baldness, and what they can do about it:
Q: What are the symptoms of male pattern baldness?
A: Male pattern baldness is also referred to as alopecia androgenetica or genetic hair loss. It is one of the most commonly seen forms of hair loss in males. It often develops slowly overtime, beginning with one small bald spot near the crown and thinning at the temples. While technically this issue can arise at any age, it is usually observable around a man’s late twenties or early thirties.
Q: Who is vulnerable to being impacted by this form of hair loss?
A: It is estimated that about two in every three men will be affected by hair loss in their lifetime. Male pattern baldness can run in the family, so this means if your brothers, father, or grandfather showed signs of balding at an early age, then the chances are you will too. Perhaps the strongest genetic influence is from the mother; if the maternal grandfather had gone bald, then this is a strong indication that a person may experience hair loss too.
Q: What are the potential causes?
A: Some say that men experience baldness due to an increase of testosterone in their system. There may be some truth to this, but it isn’t quite as simple as that. There is evidence that male pattern baldness is from an over-sensitivity of scalp hair follicles to dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Testosterone converts in the body to DHT, which is responsible for stimulating body and facial hair.
Q: Does diet have anything to do with male pattern baldness?
A: Men who are concerned about baldness, can incorporate more protein in their diet to ensure they are getting enough everyday. Those with vegan or vegetarian diets must be especially mindful of making up that protein loss from not eating meat.
Q: How can I help myself at home?
A: There are a few simple strategies you can implement into your daily hair care routine that can minimize the occurrence of hair loss. Treat the hair you do have with care and gentleness. A significant number of people are way too rough with their hair. It is healthier for your hair to use a comb and not a brush (as this can contribute to breakage). Avoid wearing hats or caps that are too tight. Hair is also much more fragile when wet, so avoid aggressive towel drying if possible.
Wikipedia, Hair Treatment